Digitizing public input in roadway planning: Two examples from Franklin Associates
Franklin Associates digitized their public comment process for two transportation planning projects
Ontdek wat adviesbureaus, steden, lokale overheden en universiteiten bereiken met het Maptionnaire Community Engagement Platform.
Franklin Associates digitized their public comment process for two transportation planning projects
Destian Liikenne ja kaupunkiympäristö -yksikkö hyödyntää monipuolista Maptionnaire-osallisuusalustaa suunnitteluhankkeidensa osallistamisessa. Karttapohjaiset kyselyt auttavat keräämään arvokasta palautetta ja yhdistämään asukkaiden näkemykset suunnitteluprosesseihin. Helppokäyttöinen alusta parantaa saavutettavuutta ja tukee innovatiivisia osallistamistapoja eri hankkeissa.
Urban planning projects in vulnerable neighborhoods need user-friendly community mapping tools
An innovative, award-winning campus planning example, built around student and stakeholder insights
After a massively successful public outreach, Finland's Helsinki Regional Transportation Authority (HSL) shares insights for other transport planners
The Virginia-based landscape architecture & planning firm offered a sleek and fun co-designing activity, impressing clients and community members
MIG's Director of Digital Engagement shares how a flexible map-based engagement platform is a key community engagement tool for planners
Planners share digital community mapping tips from their experience updating the Trinity County General Plan in rural California.
By using a digitalised engagement method Cardiff Council has successfully reached elementary school-aged children to share their opinions of their local areas.
Find out how Luxplan manages community engagement in sustainable mobility planning – and how participation enriches proposed solutions.
Read on how the State of Jalisco, Mexico developed an effective community engagement plan that involved 45000+ residents and stakeholders.
Learn how public consultations helped planners in making active travel in St Andrews a safe, convenient, sustainable, and fun choice.
Espoon kaupunki automatisoi kaavakuulemisen ja tavoitti siten asukkaansa paremmin. Saatu palaute on hyvin jäsenneltyä ja tarkasti paikkatietoon sidottua.
Lahden kaupunki pilotoi koko kaupungin kattaneen osallistuvan budjetoinnin hankkeen vuonna 2020. Menestys löytyi nelivaiheisesta mallista.
Participatory mapping is used for analyzing the cultural values of Green Belts in England. What are these values and how will they inform the policy?