Community Engagement Blog
Maptionnaire’s blog is a collection of stories about community engagement. Discover insights and best practices about public participation, latest Maptionnaire tech developments & news, and tips for using Maptionnaire.

Read about the principles of designing community engagement survey questions for getting excellent data and high response rates.

Maptionnairen aamiaistapahtuma kokosi yhteen kaupunkisuunnittelun ja -tutkimuksen ammattilaisia keskustelemaan asukasosallisuudesta.

Find out about the best practices for making GDPR compliant surveys. Here are tips on how to structure your questionnaire and what you should do as a survey-owner.
What are the types of community engagement? Learn about informative, preparatory, and decision-making participation — examples of engagement projects inside.

Explore the pros and cons of self-made, open-source, and proprietary SaaS community engagement platforms to make an informed choice.

A community engagement platform is software that enables you to run public participation processes. Follow our guide on choosing one!

Struggling with getting stakeholders on board (who doesn't, right)? Grab these 6 winning methods for stakeholder engagement with surveys.

Implement these 12 best practices in survey design to get high response rates and quality data (and not to bore your respondents to death).

Learn from these five participatory budgeting examples from all around the globe: Porto Alegre, Espoo, Chicago, Lahti, and Warsaw.

Participatory budgeting is a process where the public directly decides on how a budget is spent. Read how PB helps you involve residents in shaping their cities.

Read Maarit Kahila's take on representative democracy and the role of technology in it. Maarit is CEO and co-founder of Maptionniare Community Engagement Platform.

Read about Maptionnaire's latest improvements: the platform now fills all the requirements of A-level as well as AA-level of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.1.).

To celebrate Maptionnaire’s 10th anniversary, we asked our staff ten questions. Read Gaurab’s Q&A!

Pyrimme siihen, että Maptionnaire-palvelu ja sen toiminnallisuudet vastaavat parhaita saavutettavuuskäytänteitä ja noudattavat säädöksiä. Lue lisää täältä!

Maptionnaire always strives to ensure that our platform follows the highest accessibility standards and best practices. Discover how we achieve it here.