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Maptionnaire For Mobility and Transportation Planning

Citizens are experts when it comes to their movement through space. Understanding residents’ mobility preferences brings us closer to capturing their motivations and priorities as compared to sensors and AI-generated mobility data.
With the Maptionnaire Community Engagement Platform, you can communicate the planning process to the public, solicit residents’ input at all planning stages, and turn this feedback into actionable data.
Efficiently gather and cluster mobility preferences
Quickly reach a wide audience through accessible map-based survey tools and gather GIS-based insights
Clearly visualize mobility corridors and movement patterns
See exactly where and how people move through space and what they think about it to understand priorities for development and improvement
Generate genuine insights
Understand existing strengths and weaknesses of transportation & mobility infrastructure

Have a look at the most common processes where planners and city administrators use digital community engagement tools. You can also find our customers’ projects below.
Understand residents’ safety concerns and find solutions together
Analyze biking routes and understand how well they serve residents’ needs
Capture residents’ mobility habits, preferences, and wishes to plan human-centric infrastructure
Understand citizens’ needs and preferences to design sustainable transit systems
Integrate residents’ insights into large-scale or local infrastructure planning and keep them informed about the upcoming changes