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Maptionnaire For Urban Planning & Design

Planning efforts at any scale require public buy-in to ensure their transparency and legitimacy. Streamlined and timely digital community engagement processes result in more functional and responsive urban landscapes and increase citizens’ approval of the changes. A community engagement platform helps you establish trust and dialog with the residents.
With the Maptionnaire Community Engagement Platform, you can communicate the planning process to the public, solicit residents’ input at all planning stages, and turn this feedback into actionable data.
Public input comes as geolocated data
Create map-based questionnaires to collect a wide range of qualitative and experiential data to understand the non-tangible and emotional connections residents have to their environment.
Optimized analysis and reporting
Save time and resources by analyzing engagement results, discovering trends and spatial patterns within specific demographics, and presenting the results as heat maps and graphs. Your resulting data can be exported for analysis in any other tool.
Enhanced transparency and public trust
Engage communities by offering meaningful opportunities to impact planning processes. For citizens, online community engagement is easy, fun, and inclusive.

Have a look at the most common processes where planners and city administrators use digital community engagement tools. You can also find our customers’ projects below.
Visualize assets and analyze concerns of your communities with map-based tools
Collect information and feedback from stakeholders in a planning process
Gather residents’ insights in all stages of the project and present the results back to the community
Examine feedback from residents about specific places and zoning regulations
Save time by automating and standardizing the hearing and commenting process
Plan cities that immediately respond to residents’ needs with real-time feedback maps