We are honored to be a part of Nordregio’s catalog of cases that embody the values of environment, equality, openness, and efficiency. In short, the Nordic urban model. The catalog is part of the Nordic Solutions project which seeks to promote solutions from the Nordic region as tools for tackling the challenges imposed by intensifying urbanization.
Nordic Sustainable Cities is a flagship project within the Nordic Solutions to Global Challenges initiative launched by the Nordic Prime Ministers. The goal of the initiative is to share Nordic knowledge and experiences in creating sustainable societies to help the global community reach the United Nations Sustainability Goals before the year 2030.
Explore the Nordic Sustainable Cities catalog through this link.
Our entry: “Maptionnaire: a digital tool for participatory planning“

Learn more about Nordic urbanism: “Nordregio’s White Paper on Nordic Sustainable Cities”
Also read more about how our Nordic customers, the City of Stockholm and the City of Helsinki, are using Maptionnaire to communicate with residents.